26 Feb 2023

Health of India - Is India well?

Health of India

Is India well?

Survey data on the health of India's children and women is alarming.

India has achieved independence. It has the political and economic clout to take the necessary steps. Yet India's health remains weak.

Children and women occupy a special place in the country's population. It is these children who are going to become the people of tomorrow. It is the women who give those children as a boon. The health of the country lies in their health.

Sixty-five percent of Indian children die before they reach the age of five. The cause is malnutrition.

Ninety percent of Indian women are malnourished. Among those nutritional deficiencies, anemia is prominent. Iron deficiency is the main cause.

India is becoming a country full of children and women who eat only cereal. Next they eat junk food items that are high in unnecessary sugar and fat. It cannot be said that such a diet will improve their health.

The number of women and children who eat vegetables, greens and fruits is decreasing in India. Ten percent of people eat the right food.

When you do not eat vegetables, greens and fruits, nutritional deficiency will automatically occur. How can we overcome this deficiency? You have to get rid of them by feeding nutritional food items. But India's way is different. India is a country with doctors and nutritionists who prescribe medicines of tonics and tablets for these.

Tonics and tablets are prescribed for iron deficiency. This diet-correctable problem is moving towards a business platform conducive to the commercialization of pharmaceuticals.

A regular diet of greens, especially drumstick tree leaves, can correct iron deficiency anemia. Drumstick tree leaves is not a costly commodity. It depends on the type of plant that will flourish if you plant a part of the brach of the tree without having to pay a price.

Iron deficiency and other nutritional deficiencies can be overcome by including pulses, fish, eggs, liver in meat diet.

Calcium deficiency is the next most talked about malnutrition among Indian women. For this deficiency nutritional drinks are over-advertised and sold in markets. They are also recommended by medical and nutritional experts. This deficiency can be cured naturally by taking small grain food called Ragi continuously. It can also be eaten by eating seafood such as fish, crab, shrimp, as well as soya and beans.

Iron deficiency and dehydration are common in pregnant women. These can also be corrected through diet. But iron supplements, folic acid supplements, and choline supplements are prescribed.

Drumstic tree leaves and liver are enough to effectively resolve iron deficiency. For vegetarians, drumstick can be used and for non-vegetarians, liver. If you have both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, you can take both. Iron deficiency can be cured very quickly.

There are many water-rich vegetables to help with dehydration. Cucumber, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Chayote (Chow Chow), the list of vegetables is long.

No medicines like tablets or tonics are needed for folic acid. All green vegetables and greens are full of folic acid contents.

Egg yolk is sufficient for choline. For vegetarians, milk and peanuts are sufficient for choline.

In general, there is still a trend in India of prescribing medicines and tablets pointing out their deficiency as Vitamin B12, Omega 3 and Vitamin D. They do not need medicine pills, so nature fills them with nutrients from vegetables, greens, non-vegetarian foods and sunlight.

It is enough if we know the types of nutrients and the types of foods that are full of them and adjust our daily food schedule a little. Health will automatically return. Thus, you can become a healthy person in a very simple and natural way.

Eating good food can help you understand that malnutrition is not a defect. It can also be known that it is the foundation for physical strength and a disease-free life.

Instead of looking to doctors and specialists to improve India's health, Indians look to vegetables, greens and pulses and non-vegetarian food in moderation is enough. It may require a bit of an exit from an overly grainy diet and a culture of junk food for taste.


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