19 Jan 2023

The mind is a great puzzle

The mind is a great puzzle

Even if it is known to be small absurdities, crookedness and mischief, that is what the mind likes.

Oddities, idiosyncrasies – this is what the mind wants. I pretend to want intelligence for others. The mind really has little interest in that intelligence.

This mind is very special. Every time it is in a different way. It will not be as good at another time as it was at one time.

What was at that time was what was at that time of mind. At another time it cannot be even in its semblance. Everything had to pass from its due time. You don't have to lose the attitude to be in the moment by thinking of being the same again.

If you want to accept the respective attitude as it is, you need to be unconcerned. Intelligence will not accept it. What intelligence will do is figure out how to create the same wonderful state of mind as before. A mind that accepts absurdies does not care about it. It goes with the mood of the time regardless of anything. That's the joy of being crazy. The main reason madmen are happy is because they are not in a sane state of mind.

A state of mind that is great at one time may seem modest at another. It is also possible to think of a modest state of mind at another time as magnificent.

Now there is so much convenience. There is no need to maintain this state of mind. Whether it's turning on the TV, picking up the cell phone, or putting on a bag of drugs, there are opportunities to change.

What is necessary to change the state of mind from one extreme to another? It is going to change without us having to change. Even so, if you want to change, there is a lot to see the nature around, to see the fun that is going on, to read books, to talk for a few minutes with your loved ones, to have a relationship with a plant or an animal with love.

What book is as big as the mind to read? Is there such a treasure as a mind to dig? Is there anything else as grand as the mind to think? Nothing can be created like the enigmatic world of the mind to find answers upon answers.


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