30 Oct 2022

Service storm passed away

Service storm passed away

May this night also dawn like this

It would have been better if the sun hadn't risen

Hastily rose

Stopping is no longer possible

It is good if the sun is not too hot

Suitable if it rains

Even a small drizzle is enough

The city is crying

Rather than the state itself crying

Writing that the sky also cries

That will fit

A cloud can help poets if they think


The wind has stopped

We disappeared to breathe

The seashells have melted

You have turned our eyes into seashells

Our moon has fallen

Our skies darkened during the day

(Sunburn is another matter)

You can write a lot like this

I didn't expect

The service storm is passed away

Many poets have been produced

When a great man dies

There are many poets

Without surgery without hospital cost

They have a healthy delivery

If other great men die soon

Others will be reborn as poets

What we have in hand

We have nothing at our hand

Great men die and poets are born


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அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்!

அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்! ‘ அருகன் ’ அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் முதல் சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு. முதல் தொகுப்...