18 Sept 2022

Psychological change before and after marriage

Psychological change before and after marriage

You can expect friendship from your wife only till a child is born. Until then you could have been with your wife like a companion, like a partner, like a lover, like a partner or whatever. Your wife will allow you to behave like that.

What do you think happens after a baby is born? You will be thrown out of existence as companion, partner, friend, lover.

After the birth of a child any woman wants to play only one role. That is the role of motherhood.

If you have one child, you are the second child as the husband of your wife. Perhaps if you have two children, you as a husband will become the third child. That is, if there are three children, you are the fourth child.

After the birth of a child every woman turns her husband into another child. You must have been a child to them too.

After becoming a father it is impossible to express any of the old parallels to your wife. A wife then approaches her husband with the strictness and responsibility she shows to a child.

As a mother expects her child to be treated, so she expects her husband to treat her.

It is good for every man to understand this psychological change that happens in a woman after childbirth. After that every man should not be embarrassed to behave like a child. There is beauty and sweetness in it.


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