10 Sept 2022

Humans are machines

Humans are machines

Tamil Nadu proverb says that 'If you join flowers, you will smell.' It's surprising that this applies to humans who are used to machines. Humans become machines at some point by getting used to machines.

Man's life with machines dates back to the time when made fire with pumice stones. Stones were the first machines for humans.

The next mechanical invention by humans was the invention of wheels by rolling stones.

Humans know that machines make everyday life faster. That knowledge makes them think they can get through life faster if they turn themselves into machines.

Stones, twigs, and sharp objects begin to turn into machines for the hunter-hungry humans.

The discovery of metals like copper and iron sharpened their mechanical knowledge. Their mechanical knowledge drives them to design sharp machines.

As humans move from hunter-gatherer lifestyles to farming and sustainable living, humans learn that the help of machines can enrich their agriculture.

The men who invented the machines for agriculture knew that when they wanted to expand their land, they also needed machines. Their knowledge turns to machines called weapons of war.

In this way, machines have transformed humans from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to land-grabbing societies.

Humans know that life changes whenever they invent new machines. They begin to learn that need is the mother of inventions and that inventions are the source of needs and travel towards new inventions.

Humans are now starting to celebrate machines. Tell whoever appears to stop the celebration. Knowing that their celebration lies in inventing new machines, they start inventing new machines.

You ask yourself where this journey can take you. That is what we are going to travel towards.


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