2 Feb 2022

Problems of guilty feeling

Problems of guilty feeling

The intricacies of psychological attacks are many in the world. Even the feeling that we are superior and you are inferior is psychologically degrading. The technique of lifting one up and lowering the other has been used throughout history. India's caste system is a good example of this.

Psychological attacks in modern times are centered on creating guilt. Right - Wrong is the background to guilt.

It is easy to feel guilty when the criteria of right and wrong are blinded without examining the backround to right and wrong.

It is easy to spread the guilt that it is wrong to make love in a society that strictly adheres to the criterion that arranged marriage is right. When the feeling that love marriage is wrong is deeply rooted in the mind it sows a fundamentalist feeling deep inside.

Those who are subject to fundamentalist sentiment cannot accept the opposite sentiment. They cannot allow alternatives. Their fundamentalism will become a threatening force within them and will haunt them. Violation of fundamentalism will push them into guilt. Fearing guilt, they cling to fundamentalism.

Those who cling to fundamentalism for fear of guilt over the course of the day will be eager to go to any levels for it. They will also justify killing to protect themselves from guilt and fundamentalism. They will go so far as to deny the higher nature of humanism in order to maintain their mental consciousness.

Many collective feelings that have been ingrained in society over time play a leading role in creating guilt. The basic fear of not doing anything wrong is also the main reason for guilt.

Those who have adamant sense of perfectness suffer more from guilt. Those who are not mentally free and seek to control the mind more will suffer more from guilt.

There are those who think they can use guilt to prevent wrongdoing from becoming guilt-ridden over time. The days spent in guilt are longer than the days when such people lived happily.

Knowledge and consciousness drive human beings alternately. Humans must from time to time make an analysis that alternates between conscious knowledge and knowledge conscious. The correct position is to understand what is changing from time to time. To understand this we must first understand the need to analyze and accept anything.

We rationally refuse when we are hardened by mental feelings. We are reluctant to rectify the situation. If you know the answer to whether we are living for the senses or not, we will understand for ourselves what kind of life you are living.

One will not feel guilty and will not make others feel guilty when they know that everyone in this world is something to be understood and everything is to be understood.


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திருக்குறள் என்பது கோடானு கோடி பாட்டா?

திருக்குறள் என்பது கோடானு கோடி பாட்டா? விடிவதற்குள் ஒரு இரவில் நான்கு கோடி பாடல்களைப் பாடும் வல்லமை உள்ளவர்கள் நாட்டில் உள்ளார்களா எனச் சவ...