21 Jan 2022

Method of vision

Method of vision

Everyone will give an opinion on everything. He is free to express his views. They are just saying an opinion. That does not mean they are saying the right thing. It is up to us to find the right idea.

It is important to understand the ideas and explore them and come to a conclusion. Every idea has a purpose. There is no such thing as unintentional comments. Just because we do not understand the purpose of an idea does not mean that the idea has no purpose.

Our habits play an important role in making decisions about ideas. We try to understand ideas in the same way that we are accustomed to absorbing ideas. There is such a bias in understanding ideas. Need to understand the concepts of standing in an independent position. This is necessary to come to a complete understanding of the concepts.

One has to stand at all levels and hook up an idea to come to a proper understanding. This requires a lot of patience and endurance. When we do not have patience, it is enough for us to expose another opinion and not let the intent of the emerging opinion emerge until we have fully absorbed one idea. If there is no tolerance the situation will get worse. Comments from the opposition never go down well with our understanding.

Clarity is what comes when the ideas are fully understood. Comments are just ideas until they reach clarity. Always avoid concluding from comments. We have to make the decision from clarity.

Patience is essential when one is unable to understand an idea, because time makes it possible to understand ideas that cannot be understood. The urgency also makes it impossible to understand the concepts that need to be understood. Patience has the power to change the mood and to look at it from a different angle. Only those who wait patiently can see the other side of the coin.

These intentions apply to ideas as well as to events. No matter how many events happen in life. The meaning and perception that we give to so many events is not their meaning or perception.

To fully understand the causal cause of an event one must stand and look at both time periods before and after. Do not leave without looking back only towards the front of time. Do not leave without looking forward only towards the back. It requires attention to the future and patience to look forward to the future. The practice of looking at many events in this way becomes an experience.

Everyone must have looked towards multiple events to gain mature experiences. Avoid interpreting events as a matter of urgency before reaching a mature experience.

The ideas that are the case in society and the experiences of ancestors are ways to understand events. It is important to understand that in many ways they are also ways and not themselves complete ways. Just as we have to find the right idea, we have to find the right way.

It is the responsibility and duty of each individual to come to the right perspective on the ideas and events that are presented around us. There is also social concern and social responsibility that should not be allowed to express misconceptions.

If we begin to travel towards how we perceive ideas and events, how society perceives them, how we perceive perceived perceptions and events, and how society perceives us, we will not let anything rush or get emotional. This is because the results of the study are mature and sensitive. Since this vision is something that everyone can come together with training and patience, it is necessary for everyone who wants to do well for the world to have this vision.


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