31 Jan 2022

Little Light Showing Great Path

Little Light Showing Great Path

In the past, the victims of sexual harassment were politicians and preachers. Currently the teachers are also on that list. We still have to remember what the author of the ‘Nannul’ in Tamil Pavanandiyar said on that day, "The teacher is the one who establishes the highest virtue with worldly knowledge."


Many ask me how to stop overeating. The simplest way is to wake up immediately when you think you have eaten enough and not think about anything. It may Seems to be over-hungry at the time of waking up. If it is ten minutes, you will not know where the hunger is in the stomach. Those involved can give it a try.


There are those who regret not being able to implement anything as planned no matter how planned. There are also those who are tired of having to act contrary to plan. They have a way. Stop planning altogether. Minimize the duration of planning and plan and work every hour. If that's too much, plan and act every ten minutes. Division of the bigger problem becomes smaller problem. The principle is that the bigger the division into smaller and it becomes easier to do.


There is a close link between anger and stress. Anger takes many forms. Depression is one of its forms. Why be angry? Everyone is good. Imagine for a second, the time and feelings of others do not create good for us at this time. Don’t get angry at anyone. Time crisis and work crisis are said to be the cause of stress. If you look at the crisis, you will understand a fact for yourself. Crisis only occurs when everyone enters and leaves en masse. Crisis does not occur when everyone enters and exits. Crisis is less likely to occur when approaching every part of time and work. Everything takes place like a stream when time and work are divided into smaller parts and approached one by one. It does not accumulate as a flood.


The wrong attitude is that no one can understand anything. The correct approach is that we do not understand anyone or anything properly. We can not make anyone understand anything without us being able to understand it properly about someone or something. If you can understand others well you can also make them understand what you want to understand.


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அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்!

அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்! ‘ அருகன் ’ அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் முதல் சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு. முதல் தொகுப்...