29 Dec 2021

Quality events for the month of ‘Margazhi’

Quality events for the month of ‘Margazhi’

There will be no famine for devotion in the month of ‘Margazhi’. Markazhi is the month that devotional songs fill the ears, whether you like it or not, when you wake up in the morning. If the house is close to the temples, it should be thanks to the deity who made the ear strong.

‘Margazhi’ is the month when the cold can bring pleasant sleep. Songs that enter the ear at that time will send sleep to the sky.

This is the month of ‘Margazhi’ when the number of people who enter the poojas and punaskaras. The pooja punaskars of those who put on such an event are special. The number of people who sing Bajna by mouth only in these prayers is less. The number of speakers is high.

Those who sing Bajna will have more desire to sing. Have the patience to listen to it! It is devotion that cultivates that patience.

Many people mention that entering the poojas and punaskaras in the month of ‘Margazhi’ is beneficial in many ways. Heavy drunken people in particular points out that drinkers of alchocol tend to stop drinking. But the stock shortage at Tasmak will not be happened.

‘Margazhi’ prayers help in many ways that smokers are more likely than non-smokers and to stop the bad habits. You can accept anything for this.

How much better it would be if the situation remained the same after the end of ‘Margazhi’. The chances of that are a little more. The situation will change as the dry land absorbs more water. What to do for this? It would be comfortable if all the months were ‘Margazhi’. The calendar does not allow it. The mind will not allow it if we can attribute all the months to the month of ‘Margazhi’.

In months there is a saying that God says I am ‘Margazhi’. It's as if people think that something that God wants must be right in that one month. God may have wished for twelve months. It is as if God does not want to keep people in perfect discipline bondage for twelve months.


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அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்!

அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்! ‘ அருகன் ’ அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் முதல் சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு. முதல் தொகுப்...