1 Dec 2021

Forgive me before you curse

Forgive me before you curse

They bathe the salt doll in water

Regardless of the shouting that it will dissolve

The spread the spring from pouring water

The toy of flour is put in the air so that it will sweat

Regardless of the murmuring that it will disappear

Increase the speed of the wind

They say bathing and ventilation are good

For fish in water

In building the house on the ground

They say what is wrong

They say that does the sound spreads in a vacuum

What's wrong is if cold when acid touching you

Everything is the same after destruction

It is something that has to be different before it can be destroyed

Remove the salt toy from the water

Leave the fish in the drained water

Remove the flour toy from the air

Listen to the facts that sound through the air

For the poem that ended in the last instruction

Forgive me before you curse


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ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது?

ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது? பல நேரங்களில் மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போய் விடுகிறது. அப்படியானால், மாட்டுச் சமூகம...