29 Oct 2021

The worst results about humans

The worst results about humans

S.K. found the following results in in-depth research on humans. It seemed to him that these were the most lasting results he had ever seen. And after reaching these conclusions there was infinite peace in his mind. Here is a summary of the results:

No problem if humans come to the conclusion that they are bad by nature. All problems start when you think of them as good. You can't answer the question of why good people behave like this.

It is when human beings behave well without knowing themselves. Consciously they have no chance of behaving well. If this conclusion is reached then there is no need to be tormented by thinking why human beings are greedy, deceitful, selfish, power maniacs.

If we come to the conclusion that human beings are like that, then there is no anxiety about human beings. Tell them why they should unnecessarily be fooled into thinking they are good.

It would have been better if you hadn’t done something than thought you were going to make someone better in your life. If you are trying to make someone good he will become even worse. Humans do not want to change anyone. That too if one knows that he is making himself good he will become a beaten snake. So do not show any interest in such matters.

Life is ready to beat someone to teach lesson and take them in some direction. So you don’t have to do anything. Have quiet fun without doing anything if you can. Go to bed and sleep without thinking. Life is going well.

S.K. often comes to such bad conclusions about humans. These are the results of looking at negative situations and creating a negative mood. If so, what's next? Human beings have a compulsion and a duty to change towards the good. It is on the axis of that compulsion that human beings must rotate with a sense of duty.

You can leave it as it is. Then we will lose the sense of caring about anything in this world. If we have no connection with this world we do not have to find anything. We have a connection with this world. The truth is that if we live in the comforts of this world and these human beings, we are in a position to think caringly for this world and for these human beings, regardless of the small inconveniences we may face.


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