26 Oct 2021

The existence of rules

The existence of rules

Every time the right is violated

A new mistake comes along

A new rule is required to correct the error

When the new rule disables nature

Like holding on to the privileges of a flexible rule

Fresh bugs come and go

Humans are ignorant that they are children of mistakes

Trying to straighten the bends by the rules

They try to overcome the absurdity of extreme bending

It is impossible to understand a straight line without a curve

In a world without mistakes there will be no need for rules

Satan's very existence makes God worshipable

Poverty is what glorifies generosity

Please thank for the every mistakes

With little tolerance without the need for your rules

Did you know that everything is fine

By listening to your rules

Do you think the world is rotating?

You have a rule as the world rotates

Understand that you are spreading the world

If you say the weakness of your rules

You can't even accept with your rules


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அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்!

அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் ‘அருகன்’ சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு – ஓர் எளிய அறிமுகம்! ‘ அருகன் ’ அருணா சிற்றரசுவின் முதல் சிறுகதைத் தொகுப்பு. முதல் தொகுப்...