13 May 2023

Excitement from the mountaintop


I brought the computer

Ants came

I remove the computer

Ants are missing


A six-day losing festival

Monday is fine

Tuesday is also ikay

They say that if you don't get gold, you won't get Wednesday

Thursday also be favorable to God of teaching

Specials for Friday

Let that also exists in the week

As Saturday denotes power of increasing, that too is necessary

But Sunday is not necessary

Six days hard earned money

Exhausted in one day that day is Sunday

A day's rest is gone

Who wants Sunday in a week


Excitement from the mountaintop

What is the ecstasy that appears at that time

It dies somehow

Who killed

It could be you

They may be

It may be

May be me too

May be everyone

A person may also have some role for the process of killing

It may not be so


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ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது?

ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது? பல நேரங்களில் மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போய் விடுகிறது. அப்படியானால், மாட்டுச் சமூகம...