18 Nov 2022

A never-before-told story

A never-before-told story

Say this early in the night

I have put together some stories for you

Before half the story is over

You said on the edge of sleep

I will hear the rest of the story in my dreams

How can I come into your dream?

It's like listening to a story in a dream

I was thinking till the next sleepless night

I don't know how I fell asleep

I was moved to tears

When you wake up in the morning

You said the rest of the story you heard in your dream was wonderful

The rest of the story I told in the dream

I was confused not understanding what it was

The rest of the story heard in the dream

You started to say

A story I have never told before

I was listening to you telling stories


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கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா?

கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா? கல்விக்கடன் சரியா? “கற்கை நன்றே கற்கை நன்றே பிச்சை புகினும் கற்கை நன்றே” என்றார் அதிவீரராம பா...