4 Sept 2022

Why is this happening?

Why is this happening?

He or she who discovered what was missed

He or she brings and gives

The thief returned

He or she gives back and leaves

What the cheater took

Bows and submits

After praying to Gods

Fulfills wishes

Leaders as promised

They make plans and work

If they know it's wrong, they asks bravely

They apologize for the mistake

A little survival guilt

They bend and melt

If there is danger, they rush and help

It will be good if this happens

Your lethargic nature will increase

Someone will take care of everything

You will be left alone

If you want to get yourself executing

Everything should happen

Everything must happen


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கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா?

கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா? கல்விக்கடன் சரியா? “கற்கை நன்றே கற்கை நன்றே பிச்சை புகினும் கற்கை நன்றே” என்றார் அதிவீரராம பா...