20 Aug 2022

A life built without anyone knowing

A life built without anyone knowing

The cycle of life is always strange. We have to come back to where we started. Whatever we rejected as unwanted and traveled in another direction, we have to travel again in the opposite direction and arrive at the destination.

Even now some such voices are heard. Fathers born in an agriculture family say let the hardships go with them. They find agriculture difficult. They think it's difficult. They consider it a tragedy.

I don't know that agriculture ever gave anyone a hard time. It is still one of the only professions that gives a certain income enough to put in the work. It is also a guaranteed income.

Agriculture may fail to provide income as per one's desire and expectation. It has never yielded such a poor income as to starve one.

You will be surprised to see that a field that is affected by floods one time will be productive the next time. It will give best results as if adding to the loss. So there is no loss in agriculture.

A loss in agriculture is a blow to business, because agriculture is not an industry suitable for business crisis. It's a way of life that feeds people, alleviates world hunger.

Satisfy your hunger in agriculture. The food you produce can satisfy the hunger of a few more people. By solving hunger like that you can get income for your basic needs. If you expect surplus income beyond that then agriculture is not for you. You can leave agriculture and say bye bye.

Agriculture has always been a profession for the poor. For those who want to live a simple life, the contentment and satisfaction that agriculture brings is immeasurable.

A small garden around the house, a little field for paddy cultivation is enough. You and your family can provide the labor for it. The produce from it is enough to satisfy your family's hunger. If you sell the little surplus produce, it is enough to cover your family's basic expenses.

If you don't like the simplicity and the satisfaction that comes with it then you cannot choose agriculture.

The fathers of the past said that agriculture is difficult. They said there is no profit in it. They wanted their children to pursue courses like engineering and medicine. They believed that earning a lot would solve their problems and make their problems go away.

Time is now showing how falsely those fathers have led their generation. A lot of engineers return to agriculture.

It should return to the place of departure. Extra income never solves the problem. A fulfilling life is the only antidote to hardship. It is an agricultural lifestyle.

Don't produce noise or say loud for return to agriculture. That is where you must return, whether you say loud or not. This circular lifestyle is built like that without anyone knowing.


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குழு அமைக்கும் நேரம்!

குழு அமைக்கும் நேரம்! முடியும் என்றும் சொல்ல முடியாது முடியாது என்றும் சொல்ல முடியாது அப்போது அம்மா பிள்ளைகளிடம் சொல்வாள் “அப்பாவிடம...