10 Jan 2022

When the survivor begs

When the survivor begs

Midnight call is like chicken legs

Stirring up the suspicion

I was a woman when he became a man

The one who explores the phone inch by inch

He snatches it and hides in the world of revenge

Calling every relationships and friendships

He sees if he can test chastity by putting it down in the fire

Unable to extinguish the unquenchable fire

Initiator of the Justice Speaking Film

For a chaste girl

He argues that there are no midnight calls

Missing calls

Says not to touch the chaste pendulum

Each of my side arguments

He smokes to say the least and smokes cigarettes

My apologies for each time

Put it down as finished cigarette and crush it with his foot

Before three knots

Cunningly he says how many men were over

It is incomprehensible to ask for revenge without knowing it

He gives the final chance for me

To live with himself as a last resort

To live as a slave in a world without mobile phone

Compels unconditional consent

Like the story of trusting the king and abandoning her husband

The story of throwing a man for a cell phone

I'm going to shiver when it scares me

Unconditional compulsion and unconditional freedom

Get confused and confused

Mix in the light coming from somewhere

When the legs step out and out

Why does he start begging me to pick up my mobile phone


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நாம் ஏன் தேவையில்லாமல் குறுக்கிட வேண்டும்?

நாம் ஏன் தேவையில்லாமல் குறுக்கிட வேண்டும்? மீன்களுக்கு நாம் நீர் நிலைகளை அமைத்துத் தர வேண்டுமா? அல்லது, தட்டான்களும் வண்ணத்துப் பூச்சி...