14 Jan 2022

Happy Pongal to everyone!

Happy Pongal to everyone!

Gone are the days when fresh paddy was harvested and boiled in fresh rice. Rice for everyone is now in stores. It is also provided by the government through its fair price stores.

Like then? Now the harvested paddy is sending direct paddy procurement centers. Or seeks out merchants. The wood system of storing the paddy became the stuff of the place and the place was occupied by electrical appliances.

Cane bundles are searching the house in vehicles. Loudspeakers call for a quote with no chance of bargaining.

The store will weed out the bargaining cane bundles that lined the streets twenty years ago. One cane bundle was then added to twenty canes. Now a bandage has shrunk to ten.

The canes of the day will be longer and heavier. Lifting a block requires strength of individuality. Bringing home a cane bundle bought in the store on a bicycle tied under the ropes is like a God festival.

The children of the house who buy sugarcane first on the street will be bragging about it. Those who have no money will also bring a cane house to borrow on the Pogi festival. They will buy at least one cane. There will be many people who buy two or three packs. It was not customary then to buy a couple of canes for tradition like now.

In those days when snacks were not as popular in the shops as they are now, sugarcane was the staple food of the children and they ate a lot of sugarcane. Children's mouths are like sugarcane, like a factory. Street corners without cane sacks cannot be missed.

There will be no famine for vegetables like pumpkin, beans, coriander and brinjal in the backyard. The ridges are full of tubers, twigs and weeds called Karunai, Semam, Cheppam. Now all the vegetables are bought in shops.

All the pots for Pongal buyings are festive. Depending on the day and time, the women will go around with children and baskets and baskets full of paddy. The village will have a couple of pottery houses. They also have a potter's house to buy pots like family God. Buy from him. They will not buy another potter's house.

It will be a custom for every family to buy pottery as well as printable pots and non-molded pots. Buying pots are interesting events thay you will see directly. They share paddy instead of pot.

The Potter piled the purchased pot and pans in the basket, bowed and said, "All is well!" May is thrilled to see the scene where the potter puts his head on the greeting.

Nowadays bronze pots and eversilver utensils have taken the place of pots and pans. The stove for Pongal is also refreshing. Preparations will begin two days before Pongal. Now everything is done on the gas stove.

It can be said that the chanting sound heard during Pongal will reach the sky. Now the sound of television sets in every home is heard everywhere.

Events and arrangements for Pongal have changed a lot from the past to the present. Only Pongal remains unchanged.


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