16 Dec 2021

Superior canons

Superior canons

Those who were lovers on earth

They become irrelevant in the heaven

Those who committed genocide are forgiven

The victim is the one who perpetrated it

She is being made a merry lover

None of the world's atrocities will be accepted in the heaven

There is prosperity waiting for the perpetrators

Victims are forced to serve and obey to work

For those who do not hide and do not limit the feelings of the mind

They say the upper world does respect

Those who live as they wish to be born

They say they will be worshiped in the heaven

Everything for those who have lived a decent life

They say punishment of beating by whip mud and oil cauldron

As if down and more contradictory words

Supernatural canons say different things

That's why it's okay

What happens after death

What if the dead know what happens after death

Let there be heaven after death for the sins we commit

Why on earth are you running in search of advocacy to prevent punishment


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மூன்று லட்சியங்கள்! (சிறுகதை) - விகடபாரதி

மூன்று லட்சியங்கள்! (சிறுகதை) -          விகடபாரதி போக்குவரத்தில் நீந்தி வருவது சாகசம். சில நேரங்களில் எதிர்நீச்சல் போடுவது போல இருக்கிற...