1 Nov 2021

Here is this tree and here is that bird

Here is this tree and here is that bird

Carefully nurtured in the nursery

Planting the sapling in the lonely island

Leaving it as an orphan

Many times there in no person to water

Burns and dies in the sun shines

At some point it starts to rot in the heavy rain

The one who sows and cultivates

And the one who left the nut

Thinking to sad that languishing sapling

Who told you to grow

Laments that don’t we know how to grow

A nonchalant bird that hears wailing

When approaching near

Begins to burst into tears

Everything that falls from the remnant

After humans have become sterile seeds

What to do

Without tears

Just left telling the story of wandering the water

The bird flies low, unable to fly high


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ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது?

ஏன் இந்த மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போகிறது? பல நேரங்களில் மனிதச் சமூகத்தைப் பிடிக்காமல் போய் விடுகிறது. அப்படியானால், மாட்டுச் சமூகம...