5 Oct 2021

A forest in the middle of the sea

A forest in the middle of the sea

In the Mediterranean

The waves had disappeared

The water was like land

Of whether it is possible to walk on groundwater

When suspicion arose

It was like crawling by the wheel of a ship

The sea is about to turn into water

Heavy rain

Heartfelt thought when thinking

If a tree is planted in the middle of the sea

It appears who is pouring the land on it

The fish that grow here are animals

Take good care of that tree

Cutting down a tree will never kill you

Enjoy boating down fallen leaves

Cradle the flowers and rock

What a fear

Humans should not enter this area

If not

A forest does not form

If a forest is formed

Enough to hear gunshots

Veerappan or Poolan Devi

All of the mermaids will be raped

Forums set up for justice

Will be built over the sea

The demand to protect the sea

Will continue to be heard in the extinct ocean world


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கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா?

கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா? கல்விக்கடன் சரியா? “கற்கை நன்றே கற்கை நன்றே பிச்சை புகினும் கற்கை நன்றே” என்றார் அதிவீரராம பா...