22 Dec 2022

Seats of satisfaction

Visit of friends

A friend has been dead for a long time



He is talking day in and day out in the dream

one day

He will die without coming even in a dream

Then another friend died

He starts coming and going in the dream

To come and go in a dream

You are dying my friends

If asked

Friends who come and go in dreams

They laugh

Stop crying when friends die

I smile too


Seats of satisfaction

Each seat in a row

He sits and watches

No seat seems to be satisfied

Crowds arriving in Tibet

Don't settle for one seat

Sits down

Luckily I got a seat in the middle

Now he is satisfied

More and more crowds come

Satisfying the reclining seat

It's getting more and more

When coming to a landing stop

Leave the satisfied seat

Even without looking back

going down

Another sits contentedly

In the desire to enjoy satisfaction till the descent


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கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா?

கடனின்றிக் கல்வி கற்பது சாத்தியந்தானா? கல்விக்கடன் சரியா? “கற்கை நன்றே கற்கை நன்றே பிச்சை புகினும் கற்கை நன்றே” என்றார் அதிவீரராம பா...